Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Easy Crows for Fall

Working with threes can always be a challenge. I have a 30 minute time slot to do art each week with the three year old classes.  I am usually by myself and I like projects that can be completed in one session.  A couple of weeks before we did scarecrow faces with paper plates.  This week we made crows out of construction paper. I cut the crows body by making a 5 inch black circle and the head was a two inch black circle. I cut the wings from black construction paper and the beaks and feet from yellow.  I do not use a template as I like the small differences that come from free handing with the scissors. It causes the crows take on different personalities.  I gave the kids the large black circle with a black crayon and a purple crayon. They colored the black construction paper so their birds had a shiny waxy look. I told them that crow feathers have touches of purple when the light shines on them.  They glued on the head and the wings. Then they glued on googly eyes, the beak and the feet.  We  talked about crows and we practiced the  cawing sound of a crow.  We also watched a short video of the Scottish children's song,  The Three Crows. We acted out Five Little Crows on the Scarecrows Nose.  I left out parts purposely so that they will fill in the words in the finger play.

Spiders for the Threes


small paper plate

black construction legs (8 per spider)

googly eyes

small black construction paper head (one per spider) 1 1/2 diameter

crayons mulicolored

black tempura paint



white yarn

Have students color in any way they desire on top of paper plate.  Bright colors work best. Paint top of construction plate with black paint and set aside. 

Let dry for a few minutes.

Give each student 8 legs and a head, a piece of yarn and two googly eyes. 

Glue yarn at top of spider and put head on top of the end of the yarn.  Add the googly eyes.

Glue on legs, four to a side. They look better if the end of legs touch or are closer together.  

Dry and hang up.